Strangers On A Train (1951)

 Rated PG. This one is solidly clean.

Are we really covering consecutive, black-and-white flicks about murder that also have an abundance of homosexual subtext? Sure, why not! The Lighthouse was last week. Now we’ve got Strangers On A Train as a companion piece (of sorts). Alfred Hitchcock was always fascinated by murder, but here he is—just like Robert Walker’s excellent villain—obsessed with the perfect murder. Walker also represents the stereotype of a gay killer, so…yeah. Fear not, we dug pretty deep into the history of that. This is a good Hitch flick with flashes of greatness, although the 2nd half simply does not live up to that “let’s swap murders” set-up. So plant that evidence, but stay off amusement park rides that go warp speed as our 383rd episode hashes out what’s going on with Bruno and Guy.

Well, Actually: The Picture Of Dorian Gray was released in 1945. Also, it can be confirmed that Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers On A Train novel doesn’t have the crazy carousel ride at the end that the movie does. Also also, the most-recent Hitchcock flick we covered was The Birds.

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Ryan also rattles his teeth about sports movies on Scoring At The Movies


Rotten Tomatoes reviews

AFI’s Top 100 Lists

1951 in film

1951 Academy Award winners and nominees

Links to: Psycho and Laura and Carol and Basic Instinct

Previously on The Ellises’ Analysis: The Lighthouse

March 8th on The Ellises’ Analysis: The Public Enemy